Know Your Client Policy

Know Your Client Policy

This is the Know your Client Policy (the “KYC” Policy”) of  In this Policy, may also be referred to as “We,” “Our,” “Us,” or “Creative Nix” and users may be referred to as “You” or “Your.” Know Your Client (KYC) or Know Your Customer (KYC) is a method of verifying the name and other credentials of a banking and finance user. KYC is a regulatory procedure that determines the identity and other information of a financial services user.

In this Policy, we will notify you that we also hold and keep track of your customer policy in order to properly manage our services and avoid any danger of money laundering or terrorist funding. It is the user’s duty to read and comprehend this policy before using or purchasing any of our services. If you agree with this policy and are prepared to assist us in learning about your actions on or through our platform, we highly advise you to utilise our services. We hereby instruct you to refrain from using our services in any way that violates local or international rules and regulations.

It is also announced that we will not be liable for any of your financial damages if you were found to be involved in any malicious activity, and we reserve the right to request information about your identity at any time, including but not limited to your name, contact information, email, current address, source of income, reason for sending payments, purchasing a variety of services, giving debts, and so on. We also retain the right to require you to fill out any form related to the KYC Policy in order for us to properly know you.

The Know Your Client (KYC) procedure aids in the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorist operations. Many nations demand it as an obligatory procedure to confirm that clients are who they claim to be.

KYC’s Importance and Benefits:

The Know Your Client (KYC) process, which is required by law, also benefits financial institutions in various ways:

  1. By identifying prior financial history and assets possessed, it assists lenders in risk assessment.
  2. Limits fraud caused mostly by identity concealment.
  3. Prevents money laundering and other antisocial behavior.
  4. It increases the country’s stability and investment by making the financial structure more trustworthy and less dangerous.
  5. Reduced uncertainty enables institutions to lend more to clients while increasing profitability.

Several governments and economic areas control financial anti-money laundering agencies or regulators that monitor banking transactions to prevent financial fraud, terrorist financing, and other anti-social activity. All of the agencies are members of the Worldwide Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which monitors global financial operations.

KYC Documents Needed:

Individuals and companies are both subjected to the KYC procedure. KYC authentication is based on identification and residency confirmation. Individuals’ necessary papers for the KYC procedure include the regular paperwork that they employ, such as:

  • A valid driver’s license;
  • Social security number/card;
  • Passport;
  • Papers issued by the state or federal governments.

The following papers can be presented as proof of residence:

  • Utility bills, such as phone, electricity, and gas, are examples.
  • Account statements.
  • Occupational documentation.
  • Housing agreements and rental contracts.

The KYC process can include, but is not usually limited to, the following actions:

  • An applicant or prospective user of financial products must submit documents to verify their authenticity and residency status. The submission can be made in either electronically or in paper form.
  • Based on the documents supplied, the authorized agency/organization verifies the applicant’s identification. For example, if the applicant produces a driver’s license, the Department of Motor Vehicles will do the verification (DMV).
  • The verification of residence include determining the resident status (domestic or foreign), current home address, other house address, immigration status, and so on.
  • Documents, communication with the issuer, and physical verification are used to verify the assets and liabilities declared. This lowers the possibility of misrepresentation.
  • The financial institution examines the transactions made by the customer/client, and any transaction that is unusual/high-valued, frequent, or otherwise unusual is immediately marked and subjected to strict manual scrutiny.

After completing all of the above processes, the individual/entity is termed KYC validated. It may also contain a verification certificate; however this is not always the case. The user may find the procedure straightforward, but the financial institution’s verification process requires effort and diligence. The KYC process is the most important

  • component of numerous due diligence processes performed by businesses, investors, banks, and others.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions concerning this AML Policy, you may mail us or contact us at any time using the information provided in the “Contact us” option.

Address: 75-77 FA Yuen Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong. OR

+85230022297; or [email protected].
